MW Produccions

data sheet

data sheet


“Tot depèn del viatge, no del resultat”. 

“(Its all about the journey, not the outcome)”.


– SYNOPSIS: Feature documentary about the world of athletics schools and their values such as effort, perseverance… where the main protagonist is the Club Atlètic Igualada. Is it good for little ones to play sports and at what levels? What is most important: participating or winning? The little ones must compete with podiums for the first three or reward everyone regardless of the result. Starring athletes and experts who will give us their opinions.

– Country: Cataluña, España.

– DIRECTOR: Francesc Esteban.

– Ejecutive producer: Nuria Martín.

– Script: Julià Guillamon and Francesc Esteban.

– Narration: Òscar Barberan.

– Music: Jason Shaw.

– Film distribution: Davinia Burgos.

– Film premier: Film premier.

– DURAtion: 100 minutos

– cinematographic genre: Documental de deportes. Atletismo.


interviewed in order of appearance: Miquel Martín, Jaume Domingo, Elena Castilla, Juanma Ballesteros, Alícia Balsells, Vicenç Comisario, Miguel A. Pardo, Lluís Cañamares, Ramon Ciuraneta, Fran Gómez, José L. Giménez, Jaume Vilà, Sonia Rodríguez, Jordi González, Ester Rodríguez, Noemí Carreras, Briguitte Mindzié, Laura Giménez, Alba López, Joel Giménez, José M.Lagunas, Pau Calvet, Santi Ramos, Núria Rey, David Muñoz, Ramón Sánchez, Lemen Fatty, Marc Sánchez, Josep Martí, Pol Makuri, José González Cobacho, Ramon Ribas, Eduard Guzmán, Ramon Mir, Álex Parreño, Eugeni, Marina, Valèria, Max, Martina, Guillem, Gerard, Josep “Xorolo” Solé, Sara García, Manuel García, Ares Rubies, Jordi Rubies, Yolanda Gómez, Josep Llopart, Jordi Pau, Gemma Fabrés, Cristina Moreno, Alba Julià, Òscar Pallarès, Ricard Merino, Rosa Requena, Marc Castells, Patrícila Illa, José Fernández, Raquel Venque.

With the participation of: Carla Claramunt, Marc Vila, Nil Salas, Ulisses Esteban i Úrsula Esteban.


La distribuïdora Ojos Abiertos Films WITH Davinia Burgos is responsible for distributing the documentary, among others, to the following competitions:

National (spain):

  • Documadrid.

  • film festival of San Sebastian.

  • film week fetival of Valladolid.

  • Film festival of Malaga.

  • International film festival ibero-american of Huelva.

  • DOCSBarcelona

  • Film festival of Almeria FICAL


  • Film festival BAFICI (Buenos Aires).

  • International festival DOK (Leipzig).

  • Internationale filmfestspiele Berlin – Berlinale (Berlin).

  • Fast New Directors (Lisboa)ucinema.